DC Jack Repair

DC Jack Repair

The DC Jack is the socket or connector which sits inside your laptop and allows you to connect a charger or mains supply. If your DC Jack is broken then you are not able to charge the battery and/or run the laptop from the electrical mains outlet.

In most cases the laptop is completely unusable when the battery runs out, because it cannot be charged back up. In other cases laptops are known to have worked by wiggling and positioning the charger in such a way that it makes the correct contact and allows the battery to charge again. This is dangerous and will eventually cause permanent damage to the motherboard, so it therefore highly recommended that your fix the DC Jack problem as soon as possible.

More recent laptops have added security mechanisms built-in by the manufacturer so that the laptop can only use genuine chargers, and not cheap replacements available from other sources such as eBay. This feature works by using the “centre pin” as a data transfer connection, allowing the charger to identify itself as genuine. If your DC Jack is broken on these models, you may find that the laptop still runs off the mains. You will notice however that the battery itself will refuse to charge, or the laptop will refuse to start Windows because it knows that you are not using genuine equipment. If you have a genuine charger but are experiencing these types of issues, it could be that your DC Jack is broken and should be repaired immediately.

When sending in your laptop for a DC Jack repair we request that you to supply the charger that you have been using with the laptop so that we can conduct several tests. If you are unable to send your charger to us for any reason then we will use one of our own workshop units to test the system, but cannot be held responsible if you later find that your own charger does not work with the repaired system.

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